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MBA Review Magazine :

Mark Zuckerberg, the tech-savvy entrepreneur and creator of Facebook, is the world's youngest-ever self-made billionaire, worth $15 bn after four years of launching his social networking site. All that is required is practice and hard work.


The Forbes magazine's latest profiles of the youngest billionaires in the world brought forth many surprises. While young billionaires from America made the money themselves, world's youngest billionaires of other countries obtained their fortune through inheritances. The magazine published a list of 1,125 worldwide, worth $4.4 tn; an increase of 179 billionaires from a year ago. Two-thirds of the 1,125 are self-made, and 42% (469) hail from the US. The average billionaire in the US is worth $3.4 bn against $4.3 bn for the average foreign billionaire.

Over the years, Forbes magazine has been listing the world's richest people. But this year, it introduced another list; the world's richest youngsters. Twenty-three year old Mark Zuckerberg, the US-based CEO of Facebook.com, began a social networking site that connects you with friends and relatives whom you have lost contact with. This site is now worth $1.5 bn, four years after its launch. Mark is the third-youngest to crack the billionaire's list, since Forbes began tracking the ages of the people on the list a decade ago, while other two inherited their money.

Other two billionaires who made the list at a younger age than Mark Zuckerberg are—Albert II, Prince of Thurn and Taxis, who inherited his wealth at the age of 7, when his father died in 1990. He did not gain access to his fortune until he turned 18. Followed by Hind Hariri, (inherited at 22) youngest of the Lebanese heirs of a banking, real estate, oil and telecommunications tycoon.


MBA Review Magazine , Young Billionaires, Mark Zuckerberg, Social Networking Site, Campus-Wide System, Forbes Magazine, Oil and Telecommunications Tycoon, Internet Portal NetEase, Hind Hariri, Albert von Thurn und Taxis.