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Marketing MasterMind Magazine :

Maintaining ecological balance is a major issue confronting the corporate world today. The damage done to the environment has already crossed threshold and reached alarming limits. Non-replenishable natural resources are getting depleted at a rapid pace. Generation of waste, including non-biodegradable waste, is increasing enormously. All these negative developments have forced mankind to think more seriously about conserving the environment. Green marketing is one such initiative towards environment protection.


Green marketing is a broad term covering all aspects of marketing decision-making that keep the ecology and environment in focus. There are basically two major issues in green marketing. The First one is to check the misuse of natural resources and the second is to control wastage. The wastage can be in any form. It can be the unused product itself or it can be the expired product. Wastage can also be from primary, secondary and tertiary types of packaging. The material used in packing can cause damage to the environment. Even today, plastic is being used as a raw material in the manufacture of packaging materials and carry bags, which proves harmful to animals which swallow such material accidentally.

Green marketing incorporates an array of activities, including product modification, changes in production processes, changes in packaging materials, etc. It has led to green products and green consumers. Green marketing tackles issues related to environmentally-safe production, distribution, consumption, disposal, etc., of the products and the packaging materials on the marketing front in order to make marketing activities eco-friendly.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Green Marketing, Decision-Making Process, Conventional Marketing, Unique Selling Proposition, Product System Life Cycle, Waste Management, Resource Management, Business Environment, Environmental Safety.