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Advertising Express Magazine:
Advertising in Social Media: An Era of Consumer Generated Media

Of late, companies are looking for innovative ways to get in touch with the customers. Social media, the new Internet-enabled network is delivering the holy grail to advertisers. This new medium provides the marketers the unique combination of reach, relevance and establishing relationships.


Social media, the fancy buzzword of the advertisers and marketers across the globe, has become the best bet in the current global scenario. When the world is going online and economies are growing, it is necessary for advertisers to abandon the traditional methods and innovate and adopt new methods. Companies, in the race to capture markets and attract huge sums of money, are gambling on their ad spending. With an increase in the usage of the ICT and social networking techniques, the focus of most of the advertisers started shifting towards the use of social media. This received a further boost during 2008 when top companies, like Google, Facebook and MySpace, announced the data portability measures.

The increasing number of users/members on the Internet, especially, on social media networks, has once again proved the popularity and importance of the user-generated content. Hence, it would not be an exaggeration to say that social media is playing a major role in the ad market.


Advertising Express Magazine, Social Media, Consumer Generated Media, Internet-Enabled Network, Social Networking Techniques, Social Media Networks, Hindustan Lever Limited, HLL, Web-Based Technologies, Web Advertising, Media Networks, Online Marketing, Emerging Technologies, E-Business.