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Advertising Express Magazine:
Marketing of a Brand: An Analysis of Fashion Jewelry Industry

For many years, Indian jewelry has remained unchanged with design dictated by regional and religious tradition. Over the last few years, however, it has begun to bubble with change. Economic reform and the impact of television have suddenly opened the doors and latest global trends have found favor. Fashion is the new sales driver and jewelry manufacturers are scrambling to adjust their product designs to cater to this segment.


Colors! Glimmer! Lavish sets! Music! And Expensive attire! These are the words that rightly define the fashion industry. This sector is currently growing in leaps and bounds and is having an impact on various sections of the society. This industry is having an impact on all age groups and economic classes. Whether it's about the main apparel or accessories, like shoes, belts, handbags or watches that supplement the main garment, fashion is everywhere!

Currently, in the fashion accessories segment, it is the costume jewelry, popularly known as fashion jewelry; that is witnessing a stupendous demand. Gone are the days when Indian jewelry was defined by its cultural and religious boundaries. Today, it's an era of mix and match. Hence, the jewelry designs are being created not just to suit the geographic boundaries, but are being crafted to suit the variables namely occasion, affordability, and personality of the people. Any experiment that would complement one's personality and would invite appreciation is welcome! These changes in consumer preference and their consciousness towards the product range are due to variety of societal factors and awareness about the same being spread by the media.


Advertising Express Magazine, Fashion Jewelry Industry, Brand Management, Marketing Strategies, Network Marketing, Fashion Industry, Acquisitions and Mergers, Media Houses, Plain Gold Jewelry, Luxury Market, Cultural Patterns, Market Communications.