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Marketing of Soul as a Soul of Marketing: Spiritual Marketing

India has always been perceived as the communion of many beliefs, universal truth-finder's path and a land of inherent spirituality. Given the vast spirituality `market', it is not surprising to find a bewilderingly large array of organizations focusing on `marketing' spirituality. These organizations are using various marketing techniques to present spirituality in the most acceptable way.


Spirituality is a word that has different meanings according to different gurus. The term is closely associated with India. It has immense potential to turn India into a global power. Spirituality must be treated as an industry, as it contains the immense wealth of our traditional wisdom, yoga and the power of pranayama. It complements the tourism industry also. Tourist desks at the airport offer trips to visit the ashrams of different spiritual gurus. Many foreigners are very curious to visit these ashrams and understand the path of spirituality from the gurus. Earlier, marketing and spirituality were considered as two separate industries. This has undergone a change.

Marketing means knowing the needs of people and satisfying them. The result is their happiness and peace. Spirituality that is sold by these gurus, contains the package of happiness and peace. Since both marketing and spirituality have similar philosophies, it is important to know the role of marketing in spirituality, how marketing is useful for these spiritual gurus and organizations to popularize themselves and their offerings. In the era of tough competition, it is mandatory for them to sustain and increase their number of followers. For this purpose, news channels, newspaper advertisements, direct contacts, programs, articles, interviews and pamphlets are of immense help.


Advertising Express Magazine, Spiritual Marketing, pranayama, Spiritual Organizations, yoga, Yoga Science Camp, Viral Marketing, Art of Living, AOL, Sudarshan Kriya, Marketing Strategy, Integrated Marketing Programs.