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Advertising Express Magazine:
Promos of Banks: Need for a Radical Change

The current global meltdown has completely shaken the confidence of all the market participants, primarily the investors. In this scenario, this article highlights how banks can use advertising to educate the investors about the risks and returns associated with various financial products. By designing transparent, educative and simple advertising strategies, banks can regain the investors' confidence and rebuild their trust in the financial system.


The current global financial crisis has totally shaken the confidence of the people in the financial markets, institutions and their products and services. It is true that considerable efforts have already been initiated by the governments, central banks, as well as by banks themselves, to counter the crisis and create confidence and stability in the financial markets globally. In fact, the current crisis has exposed the gullibility of a large number of customers operating in the financial markets and investing in financial products and services without adequate comprehension of the latent risks present in such products and services. The threat reached the pinnacle when investment banks developed and introduced complex instruments, called Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) and Credit Default Swaps (CDS) developed using highly sophisticated mathematical models. These turned out to be very risky instruments and adversely impacted the global financial markets.

This global financial crisis has, not only exposed the gullibility of investors—rich or poor, educated or uneducated—in the complex products of the banks, but has also brought to light the poor supervision of both the bank managements and regulatory authorities. As these products generated huge returns initially, these drew irrational exuberance among the investors who did not bother to check the accompanying risks. At the same time, the regulators also overlooked the speedy developments in the markets, failed to identify the risks and devise measures to protect the investors against these risks. All these have led to a massive financial crisis where big institutions are being bailed out by doling out large amounts of taxpayers money from the exchequer. Some of the big institutions, like Lehman Brothers, have filed for bankruptcy.


Advertising Express Magazine, Global Financial Crisis, Financial Markets, Financial Products, Collateralized Debt Obligations, CDO, Credit Default Swaps, CDS, Global Financial Markets, Basel Committee, Financial System, Advertisement Industry, Independent Agencies, Union Bank of India.