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Global CEO Magazine:
Designing HRM Plan

The smooth execution of the HR function congruent with the corporate objectives largely depends on planning. Recently, such planning shifted from routine rituals with a drifting HR role. Corporates are designing their HRM plan to attract and retain talent through their bouquets of employee-friendly services and image building drive. The documented HRM plan helps to showcase the corporate zeal and seriousness of such efforts and works as a measure. This article discusses the inherent challenges for successful rollout of the HRM plan, matching the vision and mission of an organization.


When the third quarter results of the business year are out and the business houses with all its stakeholders are anxiously waiting for the final fourth quarter results, the corporate world hardly has time to take rest. Rather the think-tanks gather to develop a new strategy, not only to create a competitive advantage after determining the strengths and weaknesses of a company but also to assess the opportunities and threats involved in a business. The SWOT analysis is carried out for self and competitive organizations, as it helps in chalking out the corporate plan for the new financial year. The corporate plan whether involving issues ranging from creation of a new brand or setting up of a new division to outsourcing some non-core activities, involve vital inputs from its Human Resource (HR) department.

The role of HR department has grown significantly during recent times and to strengthen the role of the strategic partner, it has started delivering meaningful inputs in the business process of organizational value chain. Gone are the days when HR was kept isolated and used to behave like a mere headcount in the corporate think-tank team with generous people-pleasing welfare activities.


Global CEO Magazine, Human Resource Department, HR, Management Information System, MIS, Strategic Management, Departmental Branding, Corporate Branding, Industrial Relations Department, HR and Measurement Process, Management System, Corporate Plan, Management Decisions, Administrative Departments, Training and Development, T&D, Unique Selling Proposition, USP, Business Strategy.