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Global CEO Magazine:
The Impact of Managerial Supervision on Superior-subordinate Relations

In any organizational set-up, instruction and obedience needs to run in a synchronized manner so that the task at hand can be effectively accomplished. The way in which a superior instructs his subordinates largely depends on a number of factors. Although the nature of the task is an important factor, there are a number of inherent qualities of both superiors and subordinates that determine how instructions have to be passed. This article highlights the pattern of leadership shifts between superior and subordinates and finds an interlink between the influence of the degrees of instruction and obedience.


Every organization comprises of a social set-up involving several intertwined activities, of which, the role of labor, viz., the human factor is a very important determining factor in the success of an organization. It would not be an understatement to say that the success of groups and organizations is largely dependent upon the functioning of this human factor at an individual level. Direction is a crucial function of management which aligns the mind of the individuals for conducting work in a mutually beneficial manner. It is always advantageous when a manager is able to lead and is aware of the pulse of his subordinates. This helps him to make or amend strategies for engaging his subordinates to perform in the most efficient manner. The outcome of supervision can mostly be predicted by carefully examining the past experience with the subordinates, and by understanding how obediently the subordinates would carry on the instructions. The authors attempt to identify the significance of the superior-subordinate relationship and its impact on decision making. This further is dependent upon the maturity levels of follower and the leadership ability of the superiors. Therefore, there needs to be a comprehensive understanding of not only the subordinates but also the understanding of the manager himself in accomplishment of the organizational goals.

Delegation involves a gradual process of preparing the subordinates for decision making (Bass & Valenzi, 1974). It is a continuous process where the subordinate is responsible for taking decision in functional areas as decided by the manager. The superior transfers a portion of his authority to ensure that the subordinate takes decisions within the jurisdiction of their task. In consultation, there is mandatory requirement of prior approval and sanctions from the manager (Yulk 1994). For delegating, a manager must determine the competency, readiness, willingness and the ability of the subordinates. (Hersey-Blanchard).


Global CEO Magazine, Decision Making Process, Organizational Goals, Autocratic Leadership Styles, Working Environment, Career Prospects, Psychological Contracts, Insurance Industry, Insurance Companies, Management Role, Management Activities, Effective Communication.