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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Changing Face of Marketing : A Conceptual Study on Forces that Influence Business and Its Implications on Marketing

Over the last few years, the marketing and advertising industries have undergone rapid metamorphosis. Faced with technological advancements, increasingly competitive markets, higher customer expectations, a host of new media channels, shrinking budgets and a pressure to deliver more with less, marketers are innovating new strategies to effectively communicate with their existing and prospective customers.


Business today is operating in an environment that is fraught with complexities and uncertainties. Competition has heightened and businesses today face competition not only from other companies in the same business but also from companies in other industries, which may or may not be related; not only from domestic players but also from global players. Railways vs. low-cost airways, watching movies vs. sports, the list continues...

Technology has broken the geographical and time barriers making business operate from anywhere and at anytime. ATM, m-commerce, Mobile/Internet banking, e-shopping, e-payments are quintessential examples of the impact of technology on business. Innovations in science and technology present numerous opportunities as well as pose serious threats to business. These innovations question the existing way of doing things making life more challenging for companies as they have to continuously keep track of these rapid changes.

Imagine this scenario; what if someone sells you a shirt or a trouser which need not be washed for ever due to some nano-technology that makes it dust, stain, water, and bacteria resistant. What kind of impact will it have on washing machine manufacturers? Imagine the amount of water and power that would be saved by this technology.

Today, companies need to constantly look at their business operations from every dimension, be it cost, quality, value addition, time, technology, brand, design, competition, etc., and challenge the status quo before someone does. This rarely happens during boom periods as companies focus their attention only on maximizing profit or shareholder's value. Only during lean periods or tough times, do companies question their operational or functional strategy. For instance, during recession companies start questioning their cost structure or business viability. This could be followed by some knee-jerk reactions and quick-fix solutions from the company, which could prove detrimental to the company in the long run.


Advertising Express Magazine, Business Implications, Advertising Industries, Marketing Industries, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Business Innovations, Globalization, Mobile Applications, Green Products, Insurance Companies, Investment Banks, Business Operations.