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Advertising Express Magazine:
Green Advertising :An Honest Contemplation or Eyewash?

Green advertising is defined as a process of advertising a product or brand with environmental claims. It is expected that these environmental claims are genuine and advertisers are sincere in their efforts to be ecologically responsible. But, many a time, these environmental claims made by the brands are not true. This article is an attempt to analyze the nature of green advertising. It highlights the various challenges faced by companies in their pursuit of `going green'.


Today, green management and green marketing are ruling the corporate parlance. The color `Green' is slowly being equated to environment protection. Both green management and green marketing connote an underlying concern for preservation of the environment and planet on which we all live and is viewed as a tool for sustainable development. The growing concern about the environment is creating external and internal pressures on companies to go green and adopt a non-invasive way of functioning. The conventional customer is transforming into a `green' customer by making eco-friendly choices. Companies can transform these demands for protecting the environment into business opportunities and new products can be positioned on the basis of their environmental appeal and by green advertising. Every marketer is today working to ensure that his brand gains the green credential and achieves greater relevance for environment conscious consumers.

The word `Green' has been extensively used in marketing communications by corporates in the form of green marketing, green consumers, green products, green supply chains, green retailing and many more. These terms play a vital role in informing the consumers about the pro-environmental aspects of the products and services. Also, many companies emphasize their corporate social responsibility policies by projecting their initiatives towards becoming more environment-friendly and by communicating their green claims via corporate marketing. Advertising is mostly perceived as a subsystem of the marketing practice. Hence, we may consider green advertising as an interdependent piece of green marketing.

A green advertisement addresses the relationship between a product/service and its biophysical environment. These ads promote a green lifestyle and present an image of a company or its products as being environment-friendly. The `green' appeals used by a company range from launching eco-friendly products to corporate image building campaigns that stress the environment-friendly credentials of a company to public campaigns that promote environmentally responsible behaviors. These advertisements intend to communicate a persuasive green message to the target consumers so as to create attention, awareness and interest about making a contribution towards protecting the environment. They aim to educate and inspire the customer about the importance of environment protection and inculcate in them a sense of social responsibility.


Advertising Express Magazine, Green Advertising, Green Marketing, Green Management, Corporate Marketing, Public Campaigns, Environmental Non-Government Organizations, Airline Companies, Advertising Messages, Automotive Industry, Green Lifestyle.