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Advertising Express Magazine:
HR Branding, Its Relevance and Need :A Conceptual Framework

With branding becoming a pertinent element in the marketing and communication campaigns run by companies, it is essential that entrepreneurs shift their focus from various products and services being offered by them to various departments operating within the organization.


Branding of a product or a service requires a lot more than just investing time and creativity in finalizing the name, symbol and design for the product or service. It is an identity that differentiates an idea in a category from similar ideas in the same category. In other words, branding delivers the message that is associated with a product/service and helps a consumer distinguish between the offerings made by a company and that made by other competitors in the market. It has been rightly said that branding is a sum total of all the experiences and perceptions at the consumer's end that can influence a company in a positive as well as in a negative manner.

Nowadays, branding has become a hot topic for discussion. Whether it is about a tangible product like `Xylo', a car that just got launched in the market, or about a refreshing shake being publicized by KFC, or about a brand like `Raymonds' that has been operating in clothing industry since long, whether it is about an organization like `IBM' that flaunts its work environment, or about an event like `I am she' and `Pantaloons Miss India', that tried promoting a beauty pageant or about a star like `Bipasha Basu' who recently launched her fitness training CD, or a tele soap like Balika Vadhu or about the "Incredible India" campaign, branding has become a way of making a promise of quality, experience, credibility and reliability to one's customers.

Here, the point in question is that when every company is assigning a major weightage to branding in its marketing strategy; then why not apply the same principles to the various departments of a company too. And to be more specific, why not focus on the concept of HR branding.


Advertising Express Magazine, HR Branding, Communication Campaigns, Marketing Campaigns, Clothing Industry, Marketing Strategy, Financial Goals, Business Goals, HR Department, Marketing Department, Indian Companies.