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Effective Executive Magazine:
Master the Most Basic Business Basics : The key to survive tough times

Companies around the world, irrespective of their size or industry in which they operate, have seven basic business basics. The key to business success is to keep mastering these basics, irrespective of the changes in the business environment.


Every day I thank my lucky stars that I have no business background because if I had had one I may never have learned as much. When I started my management consulting business in 1998 I had no business experience and no business network. My background was in academic settings. I worked at colleges and high schools as a coach and teacher. My goal, when I set out on my own, was to work with other people so that they would achieve great performances. The ones who responded the most to me were business people. Consequently, I focused most of my efforts on improving their performance and results.

Because I knew nothing about the business world and no one in it, I was open to learning from everyone and in every type of business. Along the way I've sat in the boardrooms of some of the world's largest companies and in the breakout rooms of some of the world's smallest companies. I've observed, coached, facilitated, and taught business executives and managers in over 30 industries. Throughout it all I've entered every situation as a student to see what I can learn from whoever is in the room.


Effective Executive Magazine, Business Schools, Ethical Leadership, Business Leaders, Business Models, Technical Skills, Good Packaging, Economic Times, Great Recession, Economic Success, Poor Packaging.