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Effective Executive Magazine:
Reducing crime and corruption : Mission impossible?

Today, one cannot pick up a newspaper without reading one or more stories about crime and corruption; often three or more such stories appear on the same page and these stories cover all sectors of the economy and private, public and nonprofit organizations.While organizational morality seems to be an oxymoron today, the ethical shortfalls and greed of the past decade has encouraged discussion of ethical issues and an increasing number of individuals, organizations, and governments have become committed to behaving in more ethical, transparent and accountable ways.


I have been teaching in schools of business and management for over 40 years and conducting research in organizational studies during this time period. When I first began my career there were almost no stories about crime and corruption in organizations in the media and organizational researchers and writers devoted little, if any, attention to the subject. But crime and corruption did occur in organizations witnessed by the term "robber barons", used to describe the leaders of major North American organizations in the early years of the 20th century.

Today, one cannot pick up a newspaper without reading one or more stories about crime and corruption; often three or more such stories appear on the same page and these stories cover all sectors of the economy and private, public and nonprofit organizations.

I began collecting newspaper stories that addressed crime and corruption for a book I was working on (Burke & Cooper, 2009). I had to stop as I accumulated a pile of clippings that stood almost two feet high.


Effective Executive Magazine, American Organizations, Business Management, Nonprofit Organizations, Olympic Games, Securities and Exchange Commission, US Investment Bank, Business Students, Financial Settlements, Government Resources, Production Companies, Human Resources, Marketing Resources.