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Effective Executive Magazine:
Teenage Workplace : Five Organizational Trends Leaders will See in the 2010s

As the new century reaches its teenage years, organizational leaders are left wondering: what more will change? Will the adolescent years of the next century be as unpredictable as the adolescent years of a teenage son or daughter? Organizational leaders and strategists alike are looking toward the future to find the trends that will shape the workplace in 2010. Here are five trends they've found so far.

Dan Pink, author of the popular book, A Whole New Mind, believes that we've moved past the information age and are into the conceptual age. As the economy continues to push organizations to cut costs, it seems that anything that can be outsourced has been outsourced. As Thomas Friedman first revealed in the book, The World is Flat, even traditionally stable jobs such as those of lawyers and accountants are being outsourced to countries that can offer the same service at a lower cost. Futurist, James Canton, predicts that outsourcing will be a main component of organizations in the future. Pink argues that these jobs represent left-brain thinking (logical and repetitive) and that as they continue to be outsourced, they will trigger a rise in demand for right brain work (creative and meaningful). Leaders have been asking "can it be done cheaper?" and "can it be done by a computer?" for several years. This has lead many to ask, "what's left to do?" In order to remain competitive, organization leaders will need to develop several competencies within their organizations. Pink describes these as design (engaging the senses), story (including the narrative behind products), symphony (gaining big picture thinking), empathy (engaging emotion), play (adding humor to the workplace) and meaning (finding organizational purpose).


Effective Executive Magazine, Organizational Trends Leaders, HR Consulting Firm, Internal Talent Management, Coworking, Global System, Coworking Environments, Strategic Decisions, Consulting Organizations, Good Freelancers, Millennial Generation.