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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Made by India

The Indian pharmaceutical industry is a remarkable success story and is today, the envy of the world. The industry has grown by leaps and bounds, building formidable international competitive advantages and strategic depth, which have today catapulted it to a world-beating status. There are those who would argue that the Government of India (through its regulatory and control measures in the past) is almost single-handedly responsible for this pleasing turn of events. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is indeed `Made by India'.


From the time of independence, no sector of the Indian industry has escaped being controlled by the burdensome socialistic policies of the Indian government, manifested through the so-called license permit raj. The pharmaceutical industry in India is no exception, and especially because of its social relevance, has been subject to large scale government intervention.

However, India's pharmaceutical industry is testimony to the fact that not all government regulation is automatically detrimental to the development and growth of an industry. On the contrary, it is entirely possible that India may never have developed its own indigenous pharmaceutical industry had it not been for the deep-rooted government intervention. In fact, the Indian government's interventions in the pharmaceutical industry can well be considered a case of astute strategic thinking. Kenichi Ohame, the author of the famous book, The Mind of the Strategist, can very well learn a thing or two from our very own babus at the Delhi Durbar.

Of course, none of the above negates the fact that India has always had a grand pharmaceutical tradition in the form of Ayurveda and other native medical practices. Traditional Indian medicine and medical practitioners have historically made seminal contributions to the treatment of all kinds of human diseases for thousands of years, and many modern medical interventions are based on procedures originally developed by traditional Indian physicians. For example, it is little known that the commonplace cataract surgery which today benefits billions of people across the world everyday was first performed by Sushruta, one of the earliest surgeons of recorded history, in the 6th century BC.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, Indian Government, Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies, Government Interventions, Pharmaceutical Products, Domestic Market, Multinational Drug Companies, World Trade Organization, Business Model, Food and Drug Administration.