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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Business Promotion through Internal Marketing in the Insurance Sector

Marketing, especially personal selling, is quite important in the services sector; and the insurance industry stands out as a prominent example in this context. While external marketing, including advertising, can generate awareness and interest, actual sales can only be achieved by the sales personnel, who are well-informed and motivated. This is where internal marketing has a strong role to play. In such situations, a concerted effort towards internal marketing, aimed at the employees, serves as a very important complement to external marketing.


Marketing is extremely im- portant for every business, especially one that is engaged in services, where a strong human element is involved, with people, processes and physical evidence forming important components of the marketing mix.

Even after developing well-designed and effective marketing programs, a number of organizations fail to accomplish their marketing goals, mainly due to lack of requisite support and commitment from their employees. The key contributors to the success of any organization are dedicated, loyal and goal-oriented employees who have internalized the core values of the organization, and work together towards its mission and vision.

Therefore, some organizations have developed their marketing strategies backed by the value and competencies of their human resource. No employee becomes dedicated and loyal to the organization immediately after recruitment. Employees have to be subsequently engrained with the necessary qualities for effective functioning in accordance with the core values of the organization. The organization has to bring about an alignment between individual goals and organizational goals and make everyone aware of what the organization eventually wants to achieve and the importance of working as a team and in the best interest of the organization. Internal marketing is the process which injects all the values which are required to make everyone in the organization self-motivated in contributing towards the growth of the organization.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Business Promotion, Insurance Sector, Marketing Programs, Marketing Strategies, Internal Marketing, Organizational Goals, Insurance Policies, Educational Services, Human Resources Department, Banking Industry.