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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Category Management: Merchandise Buzz in Retail Operations

This article presents a literature survey on the concept of category management in retail operations based on the exposition on the subject that is available from renowned textbooks on retail management and authoritative research papers on category management.


The retail industry in India is dominated by small shops comprising of local kirana shops, owner-managed general stores, small footwear shops, apparel shops, paan-beeda shacks, hawkers and so on. It is estimated that there are 12 million retail outlets in India and only a small fraction among them are run along professional lines and can be considered in the category of organized retail. According to a study conducted by Mathew J et al (2008), about 96% of retail sales in India happen through unorganized retail outlets. Organized retail enjoys only 4% of the total business. However, organized retail is growing at a fast pace of 11% per annum, thereby leading to progressively increased share in the total retail pie.

There are plenty of reasons for the growth of organized retailing in India. These include: rapid urbanization, increasing household incomes, increasing number of double income families with both the husband and wife working, entry of multinationals into the Indian market and increased exposure of Indians to developed economies both through media and personal travel. Increased presence of organized retailing is bound to bring in more professional practices into the Indian retail industry.

It is very clear that retailing practices are going through a transition period. Many giant international retailers are coming into India through franchisee or joint venture routes as in the case of Wal-Mart, 7 Eleven and McDonald's. Several Indian firms like Pantaloon Retail, Reliance, Aditya Birla Group and Vishal have also got into organized retailing. In such an environment where things are changing very fast, small and mid-sized retailers are feeling that retailing is becoming quite technical and tough day-by-day. They are also realizing the necessity to adopt various professional methods, lest they may be driven out of business.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Category Management, Retail Operations, Retail Industry, Indian Market, Product Assortment Planning Model, Customer Loyalty, Organized Retailing, Advertising Departments, Organized Retail Accounts, US Macro Supermarkets.