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Advertising Express Magazine:

Advertisements, with their effective designs and statements, influence people in their decision-making. With the exaggerated information, advertisments mislead and dissatisfy the consumer, who in turn becomes a bad advertiser. Due to this, the advertisers face embarrassing situations and pay a heavy price for their mistake. So it is essential to formulate a policy for advertising and make sure they work within the legal framework and in accordance with the codes created for the purpose of maintaining advertisement standards.

Advertisements are the best tools for effective communication. They provide perception to the needy and information to the public at large and leave a multi-dimensional impact upon society. The techniques and the media used for advertisements may vary, but the ultimate result will be the same. It is a living testimony of the `freedom of speech and expression'. It is the essence of democracy, particularly in the fields of trade and business, politics, service and socio-economic activities. Advertisements play a pivotal role and drive the economy of a country and its people to predefined destination. It is further effective only when the markets are more competitive and target group makes analytical decisions. In the present globalized markets, advertisement is the core component of the business. Success of a business depends upon the quality of the advertisements. `Advertisement is the first, second and third element of success.' It is the life of trade and business activities.

Advertising may be described as "the science of arresting human intelligence, long enough, to get money from it." Advertisement is the greatest philosophical technique of the modern world. It is a tool of marketing, which reaches the target group even before they approach. It influences the minds of people through communication and awakens the zeal, cultivates the instincts and metamorphoses the thinking process. Properly designed advertisements communicate better than a few well-trained salesforce. It influences the individual to possess the goods or services even without having the real need or use of it. The purpose of the advertisement is to communicate the information about the goods or services. It establishes the brand image of the product in the minds of the consumers and reduces the distance between the user and the supplier.



Advertisements: Misrepresentation and Remedies, business, effective, information, communication, advertisements, markets, services, target, analytical, competitive, consumer, decisionmaking, economy, globalized, policy, politics, product, quality, service, socioeconomic, techniques