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Advertising Express Magazine:

Today we see that most of the advertisements are trying to emotionally appeal to the consumer. This emotional appeal is not limited to any particular category or class of products, but cuts across all such product boundaries. This article talks about how widespread this phenomenon is. It tries to decipher why companies are trying to use the emotional route to entice the consumer and to find out if all sorts of emotional appeal work. Otherwise, what are the precautions that a company should take while trying to emotionally communicate to the consumer.

There was a time when people saw products as mere utility objects whose main purpose was to satisfy the customer by providing the expected performance. With the passage of time, there was an increased clutter in the market due to innumerable new product offerings. The marketers responded to this clutter by providing enhanced products and augmenting new offerings with it. As this phenomenon too became a norm, the marketers were forced to look for new ways to attract the customers and sell their products. It was in this scenario, that the concept of emotionally appealing to the people through product offerings became popular. Popularly known as `Emotional Branding', the crux of this concept is to appeal to the emotions of the customer. Though this is not a new phenomenon, today it has become more of a necessity than a choice as it was in the earlier days.



Emotional Appeal,advertisements,consumer,product boundaries,communicate,phenomenon,marketers,category, performance,emotionally, providing, article, performance, companies, communicate.