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Global CEO Magazine:

Nine tenths and more of advertising is largely competitive wrangling as to the relative merits of two undistinguishable compounds. In a truly functional society, 90% of people employed by advertising would be able to engage in productive occupations.

This article explores the issues involved in ethics, and evolving values in advertising by taking some of the case lets in different product categories. The article discuses how the evolving social cultural changes had an impact on advertising executions and issues related to the same. Further, the article focuses on the role of ad agencies in having a framework which can be self- regulatory or a mandatory system. It also discuses ASCI (Advertising Social Council of India) and its role in present scenario. The article draws conclusions and suggests some framework for ad agencies so as to full-fill the responsibilities of both business and ethics.

A company which exists without advertising is like a boy winking a girl in the dark and no communication taking place. Moreover, centuries to come, one adage that will drive the advertising industry is `seeing is believing'. Other dilemmas which rotate around advertising is the statement of CEO. "He knows why he pays salary, taxes, updates technology but he is not sure why he advertises". Another CEO thinks that "half the amount invested in advertising is wasted though he is not sure which half". This statement drives home the fact that how complex the issues around advertising are and issues like ethics and values are much more sensitive and complex.



Ethics and values in advertising , issues in the Indian context,advertising, article, issues, ethics, evolving, framework, communication, industry, product, responsibilities, technology, changes, Social, business, evolving, agencies.