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Global CEO Magazine:

The legal education system across the globe is under transformation. With the change in the socioeconomic and technological environment, the legal environment is also under transformation. With globalization of business and trade, new challenges are placed before the legal professionals while drafting the agreements, project licensing, and technological transfer. There is a need of new set of skills and understanding for the advocates. The colleges imparting legal education should concentrate on providing high quality education to the students.

Liberalization, privatization and globalization are the fruits of the post WTO regime and are influencing the socio-economic and political environment of the society. The advent of technology further erased the physical boundaries and created a global market. Globalization in its term not only facilitated the economic growth but also erupted complexities in trade and non-trade arenas and threw new challenges to the professionals for their resolution. The jurisdictions of nations are fading and international environment is opening doors for harmonization of international legal systems through bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements. As the world is being transformed into a global village, the time has come to cultivate professional relations with counterparts across the globe. The entrepreneurs are looking at the professionals, who are having the capacities to handle the issues for their benefits irrespective of caste, creed, race and nationality. New generation of professionals are warranted in order to harmonize the inter-state and intra-state public and private relations. New vistas are opening up for legal professionals to show their expertise and skills inherited through practice.

New legal environment requires professionals with much more expertise and lawerying skills than those with traditional and conventional skills, with integrated approach, knowledge and problem solving capacities. It requires new mechanism of justice delivery systems in order to resolve issues relating to finance, telecom, transport, infrastructure, research development in various fields of science and technology, in order to adhere to the guidelines formulated by the national and international regulatory bodies. Professionals with intellectual skills like analysis, synthesis, critical judgment and evaluation and zeal to learn and profess are required to handle the present scenario. The existing professionals have to expand their horizons and adopt demonstrated lawyering skills and craftsmanship backed by their experience in the course of settlement of disputes and also presentation of the claims of their clients.



Legal education and profession,New horizons and challenges, professionals, skills, environment, education, international, global, globalization, socioeconomic, systems, technology, transformation, development, evaluation, Globalization, benefits, market, mechanism, privatization, quality, project, boundaries, business, change, telecom.