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HRM Review Magazine:

Top Business schools are increasingly placing emphasis on the research by their faculty. It is one of the most important factors for evaluating their performance. In academic circles, there has been debate and deliberation for quite some time on this issue of why so much importance is given to `research by faculty', and whether it really adds value to such a great extent that it deserves that much importance.

Adding value to the students' summer internship program: The quality of students' summer internship program also gets enhanced because of emphasis on research by the faculty. The faculty, most often, gets the data collected through students. As the faculty's own interest is involved for quality research, he/she finds it useful to closely monitor the data collection and other related research work of the students. Due to this high level of involvement of the faculty as a Research Guide for the students, their summer internship program becomes immensely helpful to enrich their knowledge.

Adding value to the brand image of the educational institute: Research work by faculty, enhances the brand image of the institute. Positive image about the institute goes out to the industry, market, academia, experts and other stakeholders.



Research by Faculty Adds Value to B-Schools,faculty, institute, research, students, quality, evaluating, factors, industry, Business, involvement, knowledge, performance, stakeholders, schools, educational, market.