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HRM Review Magazine:

If Globalization is to become one of the central facets of an organization, the role of the human resource function, department, and managers must be redefined in the context of this change. HR strategies can play more influential roles in global organizations than they have in the past. With HR outsourcing on the rise, the organization also faces the dilemma of what to outsource. This article attempts to throw light on HR practices and strategies of organizations and explains how various organizations are coping with HR strategies. It traces some of the major HR practices and strategies adopted by global organizations.

Globalization is forcing many organizations to change as it brings with itself cut-throat competition. If globalization is to become one of the central facets of an organization, the role of the human resource function, department, and managers must be redefined in the context of this change. HR strategies can play a more influential role in global organizations than they have in the past. In the light of these developments, HR practices are changing, as it has become a matter of survival. It is observed that the best practice companies recognize a link between improvements in workforce productivity and the HR strategies or practices of the organization. Due to globalization, many organizations are moving towards HR strategies and practices that are global in nature. Global companies face a lot of differences in management style due to the differences in cultures across the globe.



Global HR Practices and Strategies,strategies, organizations, Globalization, global, change, managers, companies, department, article, developments, practices, resource, adopted, nature, cultures,management style,cultures,