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HRM Review Magazine:

It is a well-known fact that the future and success of every organization depends on how well managers handle change in their organizations. Both success and growth serve as the means for change. Increased competition, high customer expectations and technological progress contribute to change in today's business, managing which is a difficult process, but is indeed essential. Ultimately, people act as success agents for its effective implementation.

Technology, business and even the world is in a state of evolution. Business organizations in particular cannot escape the effects of operating in a continually evolving landscape. The forces of change are so powerful that future success, in fact, survival itself will critically depend on how well they manage their change and the manner in which they respond and adapt to the inexorable forces that are sweeping the environment in which most of the companies are forced to operate today.

All of us experience changes both at a personal as well as at a professional level. Change is a natural phenomenon and the only thing that is constant. In the business world, people talk of growth, decline, restructuring and downsizing. Each one of these is a response to changing needs. Increased business competition, high customer expectations and technological revolutionsall of these factors are contributors to change.

Success and growth inevitably bring about the need for change. Micro business that is profitable becomes increasingly complex as it employs more people due to the growing volume of business. The new people bring in more ideas to run the business more efficiently, which in turn leads to process change and machinery upgradation. Thus, change can be a chain process, like the falling cards effect. The conditions in the marketplace, the type of customers the company is dealing with and their aggregate demand for the product or service the company offers-all these have an important bearing on the change management process.



Managing Change: HR Perspectives,change, process, growth, success, company, organizations, technological, customers, demand, environment, evolution, factors, evolving, Business, management, restructuring, Technology.