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Advertising Express Magazine:
An Analysis of Advertisements

In this age of plenty, we have wide range of product choice in the market and it is necessary to know where we are going to invest our money and how. It is important that the advertisers inform the consumers about the products, avoiding any false information or exaggeration just for the sake of selling more of those products. The truth in advertisement is very essential to guide the consumers about the qualities of the products, where they can have the opportunity to choose or reject them.

Advertising is a very relevant way of disseminating information about the product. People do not go searching for the items of their requirements in this busy life. They are meeting their needs through the information from advertisements, which really play a very important role in this market of variety. Celebrities and models are used to attract our attention. Emotions are played upon, and consumers are roped in by targeting their egos, emotions, and any other weak points of their personality. These advertisements, considerably and deliberately, target consumer psychology, which forces them to identify themselves with one brand or the other.

Today, we are living in a rapidly changing world where ideas are sold and valued. Everyday, new ideas are generated and introduced to the world. Every field is largely indebted to this wonderful thing called creativity. The whole world is indebted to it, especially the corporate world, which cannot exist without it as advertising is the key to marketing success. Before going into the overview of advertising let us have a brief definition which covers all the issues of advertising by Richard F Taflinger.


An Analysis of Advertisements, range of product, consumers, false information, sake of selling,qualities,opportunity, equirements, busy life, meetings, market of variety, emotions, consumer psychology, changing world,corporate world,personal communication, brainstorming, Personal selling, stereos, cars, computers, airplanes, radio, TV, hoardings, newspapers, magazines, successful in grabbing,youngsters,Quantity of consumption.