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Advertising Express Magazine:
Creating Inspired Advertising across Categories

In the preface of his book Sam the Sudden, legendary writer PG Wodehouse makes an interesting point in his usual satirical style when he says, "Ideally of course, an author ought to be like the male codfish, who after his union has been blessed and has become the father of three million little codfish, conscientiously resolves to love them all equally and have no favorites." He then goes on to confess the improbability of this by admitting to a sneaking partiality for this particular book.

The truth is that playing favorites is something that comes naturally to the human mind. Right from school, one finds teachers having favorite students. Maestros have favored protégés, bosses have "blue-eyed" boys, even parents sometimes play favorites among their children. But nowhere is this tendency more pronounced than in creative professions, where there is a tacit creative license for favoritism. So painters flaunt rather than hide their muse, while many film directors openly admit their preference for some starsor even for certain favorite subjects.

Advertising is no exception to this. Even as more and more businesses open up to advertising, some categories tend to get earmarked as creatively more inspiring than the rest. These become the prize accounts, and the bulk of individual and collective hopes of winning awards and building reputations get pinned on them. Best available talent gets roped in, vigilant research is put in, and standards are pegged at the highest. Not surprisingly, this coordinated effort often pays off and these accounts end up scoring at award tables, further consolidating the position of these creatively `hot' categories.


Creating Inspired Advertising across Categories,Brand Director ,Brand Planning,Thums Up, Bajaj Pulsar, Tetra Pak,working women,prestigious, Asian projects,more businesses,winning awards,prize accounts,vigilant research,commodity brand,cosmetics brand,glamorous color,packaged salt, communication,supermarket stocked,ignoringsometimes.