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Green Marketing : The Indian Scenario

Over the past few years, some sectors in India have seen green initiatives by firms. Partly to differentiate their offerings in a competitive milieu and partly to take advantage of the price premium possible, many companies have started offering branded green products in several categories.

The term "Green Marketing" is relatively new in the Indian context. The most visible manifestations of corporate activities have been in industries associated with polluting the environment (petroleum, fuel) or niche segments in some sectors such as hotels and stationery. Other than this, there is no significant drive to pursue options in the production of greener products or building up a customer-base for the green products.

Understandably so, given the absence of regulations in place to steer firms towards greener alternatives. Let alone design of green manufacturing systems, even the existing rules on effluent treatment and gaseous emissions into the atmosphere are not implemented properly. A trend that evolved two decades ago in developed markets has just started in India.

The Greenpeace movement succeeded in bringing environmental issues into the mainstream. It highlighted the dangers of unbridled exploitation of natural resources and degradation of the natural environment. In the process, it managed to drive home the importance of developing alternative modes of production and consumption of products that did not harm the environment. As a consequence, consumer boycott of polluting products or products made by firms with dubious environmental pollution records began. Proactive environmentalism began on their part, wherein, they looked out for products designed and manufactured so as not to harm the environment.


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