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Advertising Express Magazine:
Guerrilla Marketing : Lets Attack with Low Cost

The advertising budget has been a mind-boggling amount for the marketers. Huge expenditures without efficiency, due to conventional path, have compelled marketers to innovate and explore some unconventional low-cost avenues to target the potential audience. In this scenario, the guerrilla marketing has been immensely helpful for small businesses to cope with huge-spending coporates. This article is about guerrilla assault on market by small firms with efficiency and efficacy led by innovation to drive profit.

The size of business is getting engorged day by day, likewise the complexity and areas of operations are also getting amplified. Though the MNCs have big pockets to invest and have the financial muscles to turnaround the sterile market into a fertile lush green, there has been warfare for a smidgen of market share. The one, who creatively satisfies, differentiates and glamorizes its efforts, claims the "star of the market". Thus, it has been recognized as big bull or an elephant which swivels the market. There is an adage, "Big is good, Bigger is better and Biggest is best". However, there is strong dearth of creative ideas in production, packaging, strategizing, advertising and publicizing. The avenues for publicity and advertisement have become very snazzy, as there are all sorts of avenues being explored. Despite of creativity and hefty price been paid, the efficiency as well as efficacy is at stake.

Jay Conrad Levinson has coined the term "Guerrilla Marketing" for the first time. He defines, "Guerrilla Marketing is an attempt to perform promotional activities through unconventional medium at a low budget", which shall supply information and embedded help to all member companies. This shall ensure boost in profit and not in sales (as the expenditure is high). The literal meaning of guerrilla has deviated from what has been perceived by the marketers. The guerrilla attacker opts to attack small isolated, imperceptibly defended market rather than major stronghold markets. However, what guerrilla has started doing is targeting the unconventional routes to attract the attention of many in the given locality. Further, it is meant for small firms and the saga nowadays is that even the large companies started practicing it.


Guerrilla Marketing : Let s Attack with Low Cost,advertising budget,mind-boggling,potential audience,small businesses,small firms,big pockets, glamorizes,production,strategizing, advertising,publicizing,conventional medium,marketing efforts,promotional activities,relationships,letters, messages, updates,Distribution,magazines, chat rooms, Internet, yellow pages,changing requirements.