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Decline of Traditional Retailing

The retailing scenario has changed extensively over the years. Shopping malls and varied product choice are providing the customers with good shopping experience.

Shopping in the present age has become a new experience, a celebration and an entertainment for the Indian middle-class customers. Lifestyle in India is undergoing a rapid change and the concept of `value for money' is rising. The credit card has made shopping more convenient. Gone are the days of traditional shops where there was no product choice and these new generation shopping malls have emerged with a large array of products at competitive prices.

The word retail is buzzing all over the world. The main drivers for the growth of the industry are increased consumer demand, improved sourcing options and increasing availability of real estate. Most of the business houses are making a foray into retailingrecently, Reliance has also announced its foray into retailing.

Retailing is followed by the IT boom, attracting public attention. Change in lifestyle has put a premium on the consumers' time; the right shopping experience is encouraging Indian consumers to spend more, and the tendency is frequent. Retailers are paying more attention to consumers and encouraging them to buy more, which started yielding greater dividends.


Decline of Traditional Retailing,Shopping malls,product choice, customers,shopping experience,celebration,middle-class customers,Lifestyle in India,traditional shops,competitive prices,business houses,Shoppers Stop, FoodWorld, Music World,Pantaloons,supermarkets,emi-urban towns, retailing sector,Indian market,consumer expectations, increasing value.