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The HRM Review Magazine:
In Congruence with Your Interests

The problem of choosing a satisfying vocation is universal and all pervasive. The successful ones are those who take their occupational decisions based on their true motivations and interests, while others fail, trying to live the life of someone else. Efforts in the direction of determining your true occupational preferences will not only help you to reach the peak of your chosen vocational mountain, but also help you to realize your true potential.

Until recently, Atul was working as a Software Engineer in a large IT Firm. His consistent excellent academic background, squares of prizes in various competitions and contests and high IQ scores all point towards his suitability for the job. He was selected by the company out of 80 bright colleagues in campus placement session. He was on probation for six months after which his performance would be judged and he would be confirmed as an employee.

However, in his assessment report after six months, his senior Mukesh rated him as D on a scale from A to E. In the report, Atul was rated very low on task involvement, initiative, and seriousness in the task. Atul himself feels that he is not finding the work interesting and desires some change in the work content.

Mukesh discussed the problem with Alok Gupta, Manager-Training and Career Planning for his advice. Gupta has more than 15 years of experience in the area of organizational counseling and career planning and he has resolved many employee problems ranging from poor performance to high stress and undesirable behavior. Both agreed to a need for personal counseling for Atul.


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