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The HRM Review Magazine:
People Management in IT Industry : Issues and Imperatives

The young, dynamic, and highly skilled software professionals have enabled the Indian IT industry to enjoy an enviable position in the global IT marketplace. Many IT companies are practicing various HR strategies to ensure that their employees contribute more to the organizations goals. The article analyzes the HR trends and issues in the Indian IT industry.

The Indian Information Technology (IT) industry, though relatively young, has made India proud with its spectacular performance in recent times. This industry has grown at a frenetic pace in the last decade, creating high demand for software professionals. India's comparative advantage in software industry development is primarily based on the easy availability of trained and quality manpower at a relatively low cost. Although India traditionally has had surplus of highly qualified engineering and technical manpower, with the rapid growth of the global IT industry over the past decade, demand has outstripped supply for several years in a row. The worsening drain of trained manpower from India to other countries has further aggravated the situation. With growing shortfall of trained IT manpower, a large number of countries and companies from the Western world are turning their sights towards India to bridge the gap. A number of large multinational IT companies regularly recruit engineers and managerial manpower from India to meet their worldwide requirements.

Due to the high demand, companies have been continually developing novel and innovative methods in managing the human resources. Despite treating software professionals like associates and partners rather than employees, paying lucrative salaries, offering employee stock options, attractive perks and a host of other benefits the IT companies continue to face problems of high turnover, unrealistic employee expectations, stress generated by the targets and deadline bound assignments and massive layoffs of employees.

Unlike traditional industries, IT industry which is a part of `new economy' employs highly educated personnel better known as knowledge workers and gold collared workers, who are very young, ambitious, mobile and having multiple expectations. Indian IT companies are using various HR initiatives like Employee Stock Options (ESOPs), flexible working hours and concepts, considering employees as associates and partners to attract and retain the talent. Since the IT industry has come to play a significant role in the national economy in general and the new economy in particular, and since this industry is particularly people critical there is a need for studying the employee dimension of this industry.


People Management in IT Industry : Issues and Imperatives,young, dynamic, skilled software professionals,Indian IT industry,IT marketplace, IT companies ,HR strategies ,employees contribution,organization s goals, quality manpower,technical manpower,trained manpower,managerial manpower, new economy,communication skills,young industry,general population, qualifications,new languages,Women work,medical professionals.