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The HRM Review Magazine:
A Strategic Approach to Teambuilding

Development of teams within organizations to achieve the challenging organizational goals is gaining a lot of significance among organizations. Teambuilding, however, is not an easy task to accomplish. Moreover, the real world still places a premium on individual accomplishments, which go against the concept of teamwork. The article provides perspectives on the importance of investing organizational resources on teambuilding and describes a few approaches to guide team development initiatives.

According to Michael Dell, the founder and CEO of Dell Computers, business is all about building teams and talent in the organization. It is the most essential component of success, as diversity of ideas and input help a lot in making better decisions. Dell believes that teamwork is all about people who are interested in each others growth.

Fostering teams within organizations is gaining greater importance for organizational leaders. More and more organizations are also realizing that they need to invest time, energy, and resources for developing teams in order to achieve organizational effectiveness. Teambuilding, however, is not an easy task to accomplish. The real world still places a premium on individual accomplishments. Hence, organizations have to spend a lot of energy in balancing out these contradictions and building organizational systems, which can support and nurture teams.

While developing a team a number of factors have to be taken into consideration. Firstly, there has to be a clear and compelling vision, which can bind team members together. Secondly, teams need to develop norms to communicate, interact, and perform at the desired level. Apart from these factors, the selection of the right individuals to constitute the team plays a crucial role in team effectiveness. The team leader/facilitator's role is of great importance as he/she is instrumental in keeping the team focused on team goals and managing the social processes within the teams. Finally, the organizational systems and structures need to be supportive of teamwork to ensure the survival of teams in the long run.


AStrategic,Teambuilding,organizationalgoals,Teambuilding,realworld,premium,accomplishments,perspectives,teamwork,organizational resources,team development,leadership,self-awareness, self-management, social awareness,relationship management,training sessions,team assessment, diagnosis, planning, experimentation, discussion, requirements,decision-making,management skills,managing meetings, problem-solving skills,Organizational factors,team facilitator.