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Advertising Express Magazine:
E-Advertising : An Astute Way for Brand Positioning

Amid the various media of advertising, the Internet is growing in magnitude day by day. Internet advertising encompasses the advantages of both the print and the visual media. It is a step further owing to the interactive capability. Advertising has a prominent say on the marketing strategies. The Internet, being dissimilar from the conventional advertising media, has something more to offer to marketing strategies. The Internet can contribute substantially in developing the brand with the available database of the prospective customers. As interaction is possible through the Net, it provides avenues to reach the target and niches. Online advertising can notably change the marketing scenario. Globalization and liberalization can be even more consequential with the help of Internet advertising.


I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information and the Internet is a powerful medium for information dissemination.

It is appropriate to say, "If you have a strategically sound and monetarily feasible marketing plan, you can sell anything in this universe." This is the basic motto of today's marketing professionals. Created with a purpose, designed distinctively, packed in an alluring fashion, having an expressive price tag, ready for delivery on due time and place convenient to the customer—every single thing, one can think of is ready for being marketed. It can be products, services, events, people, information, idea, experience-even emotions, relations, aspirations...what not? Coffee bars, performances, demonstrations are all marketing `experience' rather than the product. Marriage bureaus are marketing relations.

Conceptually, marketing is a comprehensive term including all resources and set of activities necessary to direct and facilitate the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer including after sales services. Practically, marketing is all about capitalizing on the benefits derived, hopes becoming reality and dreams fulfilled from the consumption of product/services /information. Peter F Drucker aptly defines the aim of marketing as "to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself." Simply stated, marketing should result in a customer, who is ready to purchase. It is just the matter of choosing the right tool, right media for one's marketing plan.


Advertising Express Magazine, E-Advertising, Internet Advertising, Marketing Strategies, Advertising Media, Globalization, Liberalization, Online Marketing, Electronic Commerce, Electronic Marketing, Online Shopping Services, Telemarketing, Internet Marketing, Mass Advertising Media, Online Advertising.