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Advertising Express
Internal Branding

Companies spend millions of dollars in retaining loyal customers but at the same time, forget to retain their internal customers. As someone has rightly said, "If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers". This article gives insights on how to make your employees your `brand champions' .


What is marketing? When most of us hear this word, we immediately relate it to the marketer's role of marketing a product, service or brand to the potential or the existing customers. What about marketing to your internal customers - your own employees within the organization? Employees are the advocates for your brand. They can create a brand or even kill an existing brand. Most companies spend very little time on internal branding as well as internal marketing.If time, money and attention is been given on the internal marketing and branding, the employees would be in a better position to communicate to the customer what the brand is all about.It's really hard to find and retain an employee who is your brand champion. Being a brand advocate or a brand champion of your company goes beyond being courteous to the first customer in the morning. It's all about being fanatic about the brand; otherwise it's just a job. But for most of the employees it is just a job and most of them are ready to give up the current job for a 5% increase in salary and that's where the whole problem lies.

Selling the brand internally is more important than selling the brand externally. As the employees understand the promises made by the brand, they serve the customers in a better way. An employee who believes in and values the brand will work harder and better. The important aspect is that when the employees are brand champions, they generate a brand differentiation from that of the competitors for your customers. This is something hard for your competitors to replicate. All the other P's of marketing, namely product, price, place and promotion, can be easily replicated except for the newly added fifth P—the personality of the people within the organization.


Advertising Express Magazine, Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs, Internal Marketing, Business Strategy, Corporate Culture, Internal Branding, Marketing Strategy, Internal Branding Campaigns, Intranet Communications, Human Resources, Internal Branding Strategy.