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Advertising Express Magazine:
Sub-branding Strategies and Their Role in Brand Building

Sub-branding strategies are often successfully implemented by companies across various industries. It is pursued when a brand attains maturity or saturation and is found to revive the fortunes of the brand. It adds greater relevance to a brand and attracts newer consumer segments, thereby ensuring greater returns on a brand's investment.


Across industries, sub-branding strategies are being increasingly adopted by companies nowadays. Whether it's a FMCG entity like HLL or a mobile handset maker like Motorola; whether it is a fast-food retailer like McDonald's or an automobile maker like Hero Honda, they are all pursuing effective sub-branding strategies with the objective of expanding their product portfolio and keeping the buzz around their master brand alive.

In today's world of increasing brand clutter, sub-brands have been found to play a substantial role in adding newer dimensions and meanings to an existing brand. When a brand reaches its saturation point, sub-branding does become a necessary alternative. Interesting observations have been made in the context of the relationship that parent brands have with their sub-brands. Successful sub-branding has been the key to the sustainability of many brands because the strategy has been found to have revamped a brand's overall appeal and have attracted newer consumer segments towards it.


Advertising Express Magazine, Sub-branding Strategies, Brand Building, Brand Leveraging Compass, Sub-brands, Marketing Communication, Branding Systems, Consumer Segments, Software Packages, Brand-building Strategies.