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Global CEO Magazine:
Stress at the workplace and ways to combat it

Lifestyles are undergoing a radical change. The work environment around us is also changing very rapidly and a person is left with very little choice but to learn to adapt quickly or to perish. It is not uncommon these days to hear people say that they feel stressed out. Sometimes, it sounds like a fad. Scientific ideas to define and combat stress factors exist in plenty. They are `gospel truths' and find most symptoms in our being. We know them for sure, as we all seem to possess them. It is as if someone had voiced our feelings aloud. Not going too deep down into scientific factors that cause stress, this article discusses some such factors in our immediate surroundings that we can easily recognize and are definitely under the purview of our control.


Stress is a very common ailment today. I am sure it does not require much of an introduction. The focus here, as suggested in the title, is about stress at the workplace.A very close friend of mine, who is now in the US, had sent me a Power Point Presentation (PPT) on how the immediate boss is the reason why most employees leave an organization. I remember having laughed my lungs out on seeing and reading it. I forwarded the mail to all my fun loving friends and even to my immediate boss. They all loved it. One friend in particular sent me a long mail telling me how true the PPT was. She was quitting the organization because of her immediate boss. She loved her job, she loved her colleagues, she loved the top management personnel, the timing was comfortable and the pay was more than what she expected. What she could not tolerate was `the immediate boss' whom she had to report to. The man was biased; he gave appreciation on hearsays and never gave appreciation where it was due, encouraged gossip, formed judgments based on other's reports and passed on the same to the higher-ups. People living faraway obviously believed him and acted upon his biased reports. Obviously, she was feeling stressed out. The only solution she felt was to move on. A little soul-searching revealed that this was one of the main reasons why many employees quit organizations. I am talking about the stress factor involved. Unfortunately, most people quit organizations quietly without stating the exact reasons.


Global CEO Magazine, Stress at the Workplace, Scientific Ideas, Scientific Factors, Power Point Presentation, PPT, Scheming Colleagues, Corporate Ladder, Discipline Policing, Hungarian Ethnicity, Decision-making Process, Top Management.