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MBA Review Magazine:
Employee Engagement : The Key for Job Satisfaction, Retention and Relieving Stress

Against an increase in talent poaching and high attrition levels, creating a culture of employee engagement is a competitive advantage to all organizations.


In today's highly competitive market for both customers and talented staff, employee engagement has become a hot topic in corporate circles. Many organizations are realizing that maximum productivity doesn't come from just a satisfied or happy employee, but can comes from a loyal employee, or an engaged employee. An engaged employee gives 100% to the organization, is emotionally and intellectually bound to the organization and committed and passionate towards its goals and values. Further, he goes beyond basic job responsibility to delight the customers and drive the business ahead.

Furthermore, increasing concerns of the corporate world against a tight economy has refocused attention on maximizing employee output and making the most of the organizational resources. In times of diminishing employee loyalty, employee engagement is a powerful retention strategy. Engagement is all about getting employees to `give it their all'. Some of the most successful organizations (as defined by Fortune magazine, Best Companies to Work for) are actually known for their unique work environments in which employees are motivated to do their very best.


MBA Review Magazine, Employee Engagement, Competitive Market, Organizational Resources, Organizational Communication, Employee Engagement Techniques, Employee Disengagement, Organizational Culture, Problem-solving Skills, Organizational Resources.