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MBA Review Magazine:
Women Entrepreneurs : Moving beyond the Glass Ceiling

Women entrepreneurs are breaking the glass ceiling to handle strategic and key positions which were once thought to be the prerogative of their male counterparts.


Shattering the glass ceiling, women are now rightly making their mark in many industries where they wouldn't have stood a chance earlier. Woman entrepreneurs are blossoming day-by-day and, in fact, when it comes to wealth creation and the drive to start a new business there's nothing to choose between the genders. In some businesses, women entrepreneurs are doing much better than men; and one of these is networking.

Growing industrialization and urbanization are heightening the spirit of entrepreneurship in India. The successful start-up entrepreneurs are making their mark through innovative designs and product lines. Over the years, a growing number of women are going in for higher education, including technical and professional, and their proportion in the workforce has also been increasing. Today, a handful of women entrepreneurs are engaged in different engineering and auto component industries, but a majority of them are into food processing, merchandising and designing. However, the number is yet to increase in terms of start-up businesses and very few of them are headed by women. To make them start their own ventures, the government has laid special emphasis on the need for training programs for special entrepreneurship skills. Even banks and other financial institutions have also set up special cells to assist women entrepreneurs. Despite all these efforts, women-led enterprises are still a much neglected area due to the old-fashioned mindset of Indian society.


MBA Review Magazine, Women Entrepreneurs, Glass Ceiling, Industrialization, Urbanization, Entrepreneurship Skills, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs, Public Sector Banks, Kinetic Engineering, Business Environment.