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MBA Review Magazine:
Working Capital Management : The Wheels of Your Business

It is difficult to imagine driving a vehicle without wheels. Wheels are essential components for the movement of your vehicle; but did you ever give a thought to what moves your business? This article tries to focus on the various elements of working capital management.


Most of the time entrepreneurs focus only on fixed capital and concentrate on the means of arranging funds to meet the requirements. But, in this exercise, they forget to pay due attention to a very important aspect which actually acts as a bridge that connects the present and future. In other words, when you manage your day-to-day activities properly then you can hope to see a better tomorrow: like the adage goes, "Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself."

Every business organization on this earth aims to reach the top of the pyramid by expanding the size of its operations, enhancing production capacities, installing new plants and machineries, implementing advanced technologies, etc. In order to become the `Pamir Knot', which is known as `Roof of the World', organizations have generally been found investing heavily in fixed assets. But, in this journey of moving towards the top, sometimes, business enterprises forget to place due emphasis on the efficient running of day-to-day activities because aiming at long-term growth without paying heed to present needs may hamper the progress of business. Therefore, the daily needs should be addressed properly. Now, can you guess which component of business takes care of matters pertaining to the efficient running of day-to-day affairs? Yes, we are talking about the various key components of working capital which act as wheels in moving and providing speed to your business. You cannot reach your destination if you don't move or travel. Similarly, a business cannot become Numero Uno until and unless it has a sound working capital management base.


MBA Review Magazine, Working Capital Management, Business Organizations, Business Enterprises, Financial Obligations, Inventory Management, Economic Order Quantity, First In First Out, FIFO, Last In First Out, LIFO, Cash Management, Credit Granting Decision Tree.