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Advertising Express Magazine:
Seven Mantras for Creating Delightful Customer Experience

In a highly competitive business environment, new or innovative products or services cannot be long-term differentiators for organizations. The solution lies in enhancing the customer experience to create a relationship that goes beyond the loyalty generated by any objective assessment of a brand's value. This is because ultimately, the power of a brand lies in the minds of the customers, in what they have experienced and learnt about a brand over a period of time.


With the shift from a seller's market to a buyer's market, satisfying customer needs has become the focus of the marketing strategies of any organization. Not only that, with heightened consumer awareness and brand proliferation, the present situation demands an efficient sales force to offer better customer services to create a long-term relationship with the organization. Above all, a company's success depends on the ability to create a relationship that goes beyond the loyalty generated by any objective assessment of a brand's value.

A customer's overall experience with a product or service is shaped on the basis of numerous occasions on which he/she contacts the company. From the moment a customer selects a product to the instant he/she requests a delivery or service call, the experience cycle shapes that customer's perception of the company and its products. Any one of those contactsbe it a very good or very bad incidentis critical in determining whether the customer becomes a loyal or a disgruntled one.

Delightful customer experience results in more revenue to the organization and more profits. As Joe Girard, one of the world's greatest salesperson, rightly said, "I look at a customer as a long-term investment. I'm not just going to sell him that one car and then tell him to shove it when he is not satisfied with that car. I expect to sell him every car he is ever going to buy. And I want to sell to his friends and relatives. And, when the time comes, I want to sell his children their cars too. So when somebody buys from me, he is going to remember it and remember me and talk about it to everybody he runs into who needs a car. I took at every customer as if he is going to lie like an annuity to me for the rest of my life. So they have to be happy. They have to believe in me."


Advertising Express Magazine, Delightful Customer Experience, Business Environment, Brand Value, Marketing Strategies, Brand Proliferation, Global Markets, Organizations Value Chain, Customer Requirements, Long-term Investments, Cross-Functional Training, Electronic Data Interchange, Centralized Banking Solutions.