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Advertising Express Magazine:
Brand - Should It Stand for Something Specific?: Learn from Spiritual Gurus

Today, marketers are busy introducing new products and services and are extending their established brand names on to these new products and services. In this way, they are trying to be everything for everyone. This article discusses the practical aspects of extending the brand name on different products and services. The author has used the analogy of spiritual gurus to make it easier to understand the process of brand extension.


An army of managers— Marketing Manager, Product Manager, Brand Manager, Sales Manager and Distribution Manager—work on a brand to make it appealing to the entire market. They add new features and benefits to the offered product or services merely to target a new segment of the market. Finally, they extend the single brand name to a number of products and services and would be happy thinking that "We have everything for everyone". These managers are trying to use a single brand name for various products and services. But, instead of strengthening the brand, they are making it weaker and weaker with each addition of product or service to a single name. Then what is the logic behind extending the same name to the different target segments? The answer to this question will be explained by marketers as follow "if we don't appeal to new target segment, how we will grow? So, it is necessary to appeal to the non-customers of the brand. And since our X brand name is doing well, so we are capitalizing on the name." While the justification may sound good, in reality this always does not happen. When companies use the same brand name for a number of products or services, they often lose focus and the attention of the customers.

When we think of Baba Ramdevji Maharaj, we would immediately think of Pranayam Yoga. His target audience includes people suffering from problems, such as overweight, diabetes, blood pressure, joint pains, cancer, asthma, etc. To help these people, Baba Ramdevji Maharaj has been organizing camps in different cities, giving demonstrations on the Aastha channel; people are allowed to stay at his ashram Patanjali Yog Peeth in Haridwar. He is the spiritual guru who has revived yoga and has been spreading it all over the world through books and DVDs, like yoga for diabetes, yoga for asthma, yoga for the spinal cord, yoga for eye problems, yoga for high BP, yoga for skin disease, etc. His sheer focus is on using the power of yoga to help people. When you are perceived to be a leader, you make a long-lasting impression in the mind of the prospects. Thus, if you are a leader; you should be simply the best in given field. So Baba Ramdevji Maharaj is now the leader in the field of yoga.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand, Spiritual Gurus, Marketing Manager, Baba Ramdevji Maharaj, Pranayam Yoga, Product Manager, Brand Manager, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Art of Living Foundation, Social Parity, Healthcare Industry, Electro Photography, Brand Extension.