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Advertising Express Magazine:
Communication in the Sultanate of Oman

The emergence of novel technologies, along with the old channels of communication, has provided nations a number of options to communicate on various aspects, especially for the purpose of business promotion. The use of communication platforms is commensurate with the policies of the governments of the respective countries. The article discusses the modes of communication, especially those related to business and development, existing in the Sultanate of Oman.


Marketing communication is an important aspect for every organization. The advertising, public relations, and other allied professional communication-based organizations thrive on the basis of the expenditure incurred by companies in particular and industries in general. Although marketing communication globally has undergone a metamorphosis, especially in light of the emergence of technology, notably the World Wide Web, there are also some subtle differences which can be observed if one moves from one country to another, from one region to another and from one continent to another. These minute variations may not be noticed by the common man, but are apparent to the professionals either associated directly or indirectly with the communication or related domain areas. While these variations are subtle, it is these variations that make up the market dynamics and are pivotal for any strategic decision maker, whether he is a marketing, advertisement, communication or public relations professional. Professional communication in the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (AGCC) region is different from that existing in India. Interestingly, different countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), also present variations when it came to professional communication. This article throws light on the communication in one of the progressive nations of the gulf region, The Sultanate of Oman.

The Sultanate of Oman is one of the better placed nations amongst the AGCC countries. The strong economic fundamentals of the country have helped it to manage the global turbulence with comparative ease, vis-à-vis the other countries in the region. Coupled with this, is the long-term and far-sighted approach by His Majesty; Sultan Qaboos bin Said and his team of qualified officials. The current financial crisis, touted as the biggest crisis since the Great Depression of 1929-30, has impacted other countries in the region to a larger extent. The minimal impact on the economy of the Sultanate is due to the timely decisions taken by the regulators and government from time to time. The country has a liberal atmosphere with a strong Omani culture which enables all expatriates to blend their own culture with the rich Omani culture, culminating in a strong bonding both at the personal and professional levels.


Advertising Express Magazine, Communication, Business Promotion, Public Relations, Sultanate of Oman, Arab Gulf Cooperation Council, AGCC, Services-Related Sectors, Promotional Offers, Snippet Section, Cyber Radio, Electronic Media, Prospective Customers.