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Advertising Express Magazine:
Zoozoo: Looking Beyond Advertising

The Indian advertising industry has often been criticized by the western countries for its dearth of originality and novel ideas. The industry has been assailed several times for allegedly copying ideas and storylines from its western counterparts. But, everything has changed with the arrival of the Zoozoos. Indian ad agencies are, now, being acclaimed for their novel and creative ideas at international platforms. This new brand ambassador of Vodafone, has created a rage in the advertising industry and has been successful in giving the company a makeover and establishing maximum brand presence. During the IPL season, Vodafone created many stories featuring the Zoozoos in order to promote its value-added services. The article narrates the success story written by O&M, with the help of its leading actors, Zoozoos.


I was in the class of Executive MBA program of 40 students. I asked a question to the students to recall an advertisement and its storylines screened on television during IPL-2. To my surprise, the majority of them responded spontaneously `Zoozoos from Vodafone' and these responses were beyond my expectation. In fact, I was expecting the ads, endorsed either by a cricket player or by any other celebrity." Every person nowadays is talking about these funny creatures of Vodafone. TOMA (Top of Mind Awareness) or Recall or Recognition, these ads fulfill all the basic criteria to be an effective advertising campaign. These unique characters have similar human habits of screaming, laughing, humming, singing, gesturing, and even of dying. All the characters are splendid, entertaining and charming. These creatures are named as `Zoozoos'. Zoozoos are the invention of O&M, the leading advertising agency of India, created for Vodafone's latest marketing campaign launched during the IPL 2 season.

Zoozoos are comical creatures that look like the cousins of the Pilsbury dough boy. Some kids relate it to `Casper' a famous cartoon character also. They were created mainly to communicate the value-added services offered by Vodafone. The egghead characters (having head akin to eggs) are white colored, having disproportionate thin bodies, have black dots for eyes and a mouth. They live in a very similar world like humans', speak their own coded language (sounds likes gabble) and are expressive with huge frowns and big grins.

A completely Indian concept, Zoozoos were born off the screen just six months before the IPL 2 season, when Vodafone briefed its ad agency, O&M, about its idea of creating unique characters for its advertisements. The agency was asked by Vodafone to build stupefying creatures which could make fun of everything and also communicate the message to the viewers with the help of their humorous acts. These characters were called Zoozoos to add some more fun in the concept and also because the term was easy to pronounce.


Advertising Express Magazine, Zoozoo, Beyond Advertising, Indian Advertising Industry, Brand Ambassadors, Advertising Agencies, Marketing Campaigns, Value-Added Services, Vodafone, Nirvana Films, Facebook Zoozoo, Zoozoo Wallpapers, Viral-Marketing, Mobile Markets, Rural Markets, Zoozoo Campaign.