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HRM Review Magazine:
A Facelift to Management Training

Management training has undergone tremendous metamorphosis. A trainer has to imbibe the global best practices with a tinge of localization. The emergence of cutting edge technology has given a new dimension to the training domain. Country specific dynamics are also important as cultural issues coupled with local dynamics form a crucial reason for realigning with the changed perspective. The article deciphers the firsthand experience encountered by the author, while training in different countries, using different resources.


Management training, including soft skills training, is known to be the hotbed of training-related innovation, due to many reasons. One, because of the fact that management, as a subject, ropes in expertise from allied and diversified areas like psychology, physiology, economics, the English language and literature, mathematics, statistics, ancient history, and anthropology to name a few. On the top of it, the subject being different from other conventional and professional programs, calls for out-of-the-box thinking from the trainer-trainee duo. They say management training is successful only when you start seeing the results, whether it is related to top-lines or bottom lines. Modern day management training calls for a facelift in the current context. For this to happen, one has to be bold as innovation calls for failure and frustration, and more than that, the trainers fraternity has to accept the fact, that collaboration is here to stay. Add to it the blending of technology, and the whole new recipe looks afresh, full of new ingredients, new toppings and deserts. As is often the case, the trainers who consider their profession as fun, are the ones who are successful in making that perceptible difference. These hard facts of training were realized only when the trainer came out of the cocoon, which was woven around the mind surrounded by an outer coating, known as ego. This cocoon was getting dangerous by the day, till the trainer realized the ill-effects while handling training in an international environment for the very first time. The alarm bells were ringing and the trainer had to react, and fortunately the fast changes made in the career moves, enabled the trainer to see how training calls for localization, customization and globalization from time to time, especially when the training environment is different and the stakeholders although have the same nomenclature, varies like that of chalk and cheese. The few things mentioned below are the ones, which the trainer realized first hand and may not be a thumb rule for everyone. The metamorphosis he went through initially was a little disturbing as he was finding it difficult to come out of the comfort zone, was resistant to change and was struggling to leave behind his ego. Interactions during the trainer's exposures in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Jordan, Sydney, Muscat, Ibra, in addition to the past experiences in different parts of India, catapulted the trainer from the cocoon. Now when the trainer sits back and ponders, he feels that the facelift was possible only because he had brought in an alteration in the prism of looking into things.


HRM Review Magazine, Management Training, Soft Skills Training, Training Environment, Blending Methodology, Emerging Technologies, Education Management Software, EMS, Online Forums, Knowledge Management, Resource Management.