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HRM Review Magazine:
Resume Writing : Selling Oneself Effectively

Like an emissary, one's resume precedes the job and makes a candidate's entry possible. Employers need to know how to appreciate a resume for selecting the most suitable employee. Resume has a lot to say and show in absentia and helps one to decide whom to call one for an interview. Effective usage of resume necessitates learning the art of preparing it more objectively, precisely, and correctly. Its theoretic usage has made the development of certain guidelines for writing a good resume inevitable. It requires an appealing and attractive presentation, while also meeting certain accepted parameters.


Resume is an advertisement for sale of ones' services. Therefore, it should describe one's strengths, interests and achievements, precisely and directly. It is a structured written summary of one's education, employment background and job qualifications. It is a list of objectively relevant personal details supplied by a jobseeker to a prospective employer for appreciation and affirmation that she/he is the most competent, qualified and fits in the specific job. Curriculum vita, on the other hand, is the biodata of a candidate stated in general way. Some thinkers assign just the opposite meaning, which is not the purpose of this write-up. Biodata are generally relevant for an employer to appreciate a candidate with reference to a particular job but may act as a negative factor also in certain situations, where sometime certain qualifications are negative for a collateral job down the line.

To recruit a right person for any job is a matter of great caution and care, not only for jobseekers but also for prospective employers. It is matter of great concern to assign the right job to a right person because of higher attrition and lower loyalty in the 21st century. Recruitment process, a time-taking and costly process, begins with job specifications, notification of vacancy, selecting the most appropriate resume, contacting and summoning candidates for interview, etc. Dispatching resumes is vital in order to generate interest in the mind of the prospective employer to call the applicant for interview. The resume may be solicited or unsolicited. This gives another point of consideration, whether or not to proceed with the resume or not.


HRM Review Magazine, Typographical Errors, Logical Arrangement, Progressive Organization, World Wide Web, WWW, Attention, Interest, Desire and Action, AIDA, Social Compulsions, Job Specifications, Sectoral Specialization, Corporate Downsizing Initiatives, Mergers and Acquisitions, Functional Skills.