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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Cutting Round the Corners in Creative Advertising

Advertisers use different appeals to present their ideas. They touch our emotional chords and often grab our attention through a tinge of humor. But sometimes, in the pursuit of creativity, advertisements deliver exaggerated messages, make false promises and project far-fetched benefits, which mislead the consumers. This article attempts to examine the creative aspects of Indian advertising, while highlighting the different appeals aimed at the different classes of people.


The success of a product or service is determined by a number of factors. One of them is `advertising', which plays a major role in providing a competitive edge to the product, as well as the company. India has a mix of diverse cultures and encompasses traditionalism and modernity. This makes advertising quite challenging. Indians are generally sensitive and strongly attached to their cultural and social values. Intelligent advertisers who try to tap this sensitivity among the Indian audience, are successful in alluring the audiences. Advertising helps in creating a market, stimulating the demand for products and increasing the rate of consumption. For example, the mouth-watering advertisements for Dominos Pizza or McDonald's burgers entice consumers to go in for these products. The McDonald's advertisements, with the tagline "I'm lovin' it", stimulate the taste buds of people from all walks and stages of life.

Consumers are strongly attracted by emotional appeals and by products that communicate a national or patriotic flavor. For example, the `Hamara Bajaj' slogan paved the way for the marketing success of Bajaj scooters for many years, with the just-right quality that it offered. Bharti Airtel had also done the same thing. The company had effectively used the word `Bharti', which means Indian, in one of its commercials to lure customers. Such advertisements are appealing and are artful in their creativity.

Commercials like those of Happydent use creativity in an unrealistic, yet funny way. A Tata Indicom advertisement makes the audiences break into splits of laughter by the repetitive use of the word "Hello" which would immediately make one think subconsciously of the frustration faced by poor network connectivity.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Creative Advertising, Indian Advertising, Mouth-watering Advertisements, Vodafone Advertisements, Unethical Advertising, Television Advertisements, Surrogate Advertising, Indian Advertisements, Liquor Advertisements, Corporate World.