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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Promotional Products for a Strong Customer-Brand Relationship

Advertisers, today, are faced with the constant challenge of reaching out effectively to customers while making a favorable impression about a brand. Though the traditional channels of advertising, like print media, television, billboards, radio and direct mail, do influence the consumer mindset, they are not effective in the same league as promotional products. This article dwells upon the attractive features offered by promotional products and how they can be gainfully harnessed to promote diverse products.


The two important aspects which any business or organization has to consider in order to be successful are; attracting customers and retaining them. In this context, businesses often go in for brand building and brand reinforcement strategies. The huge investments made for implementing these activities would not be effective, unless supported by a strategic marketing plan.

Brand building depends, to a large extent, on how the products or services of an organization are perceived by the consumers in relation to those of its competitors in the same line of business. Also, brand positioning is invariably better, if a brand is well ingrained in the minds of the consumers. Hence, brand reinforcements hold special significance in today's competitive market environment, where companies are trying to outdo each other to garner customer attention and build loyalty towards their brands. Business enterprises use different means and media to achieve this objective. Though the print and electronic media continue to be significant constituents of the media mix, the overwhelming increase in the number of advertisements appearing in these media can lead to the advertising messages inevitably losing their impact. Also, advertisement breaks during programs on televisions are used as breaks by the viewers for channel-hopping or running quick errands. According to Johann Lindenberg, former head of Unilever, "These days, 70% of TV spots sink without a trace."

With changing paradigms in advertising, the practice of giving promotional products is increasingly being adopted as a mode for prolonging brand promotions, i.e., publicizing products to new and existing customers for repeat business. Promotional business gifts can make a significant contribution towards the way customers perceive a brand. It is being widely recognized by businesses that thoughtfully chosen promotional gifts that suit the requirements of their target audience can be used for effective brand positioning. The promotional products, called variously as `promos', `giveaways' or `promotional gifts', are useful and they carry the brand message in the form of a logo, a marketing message or contact information. Over the years, `corporate gifts' or `business gifts' have also become a part of the promos. However, the original idea of branding, associated with the objective behind giving promotional products, remains the same.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Promotional Products, Customer-Brand Relationship, Strategic Marketing Plans, Business Enterprises, Electronic Media, Media Advertisements, Advertising Campaigns, Traditional Advertising, Traditional Media, Marketing Effectiveness.