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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Social Marketing and Celebrity Endorsement

Amitabh Bachchan talking to create awareness about AIDS, Aishwarya Rai advocating eye donation, Shahrukh Khan lending his image to pulse polio campaign, etc., are all instances of social advertising which use celebrity endorsements. Recent marketing research findings state that eight out of ten TV commercials scoring the highest recall are those with celebrities. In the case of social advertising, where the stress is on changing behavior or inducing a particular behavior, celebrities can be of great help.


All over the world, advertising has been accused of adding to the evils in society at large. Critics allege that advertising promotes materialistic tendencies. Research reports indicate that advertising fosters favorable perceptions of cigarette smoking and contribute to the rise in smoking. Advertising has been linked to the demand for alcoholic beverages as well as to the preference for heavily sugared food. Critics forget to see this interest/motive in material things as a natural state of mind, but rather take it as a false want created by advertising. Calling it propaganda efforts, they accuse advertising of overselling a private good at the cost of public good. They point out to the persuasive power of businesses to create pseudo needs. A social advertiser uses this very persuasive power in a positive way.

Social advertising is conceived as an application of advertising concepts and techniques to various socially beneficial ideas and causes. Kotler and Zaltman (renowned authors on the subject of social marketing) define social advertising as: "The design, implementation and control of programs calculated to influence the acceptability of social ideas and involving considerations of product planning, pricing, communications and advertising research."

In the most general sense, social advertising is related to some very old human endeavors. Ever since the social system came into being, there have been attempts to inform, persuade, influence, motivate and to gain the acceptance of new adherents to certain set of ideas in order to promote a cause and win over particular groups.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Social Marketing, Celebrity Endorsement, Social Advertising, Environmental Campaigns, Celebrity Advertisements, Socioeconomic Problems, Consumer Products, Commercial Products, Democratic Systems, Innovative Firms.