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HRM Review Magazine:
Cross-functional Teams : The New Success Mantra

The modern business world without uncertainty, complexity, speed and continuity is a mere illusion. Thus, to reach a desired goal is undoubtedly impossible by an individual effort. Hence, the concept of team emerged. There are different types of teams with their merits and demerits. This article throws light upon few major aspects of cross-functional teamwork which became the new success mantra for businesses.


The telltale indices of today's business are uncertainty, complexity, speed and continuity—all arranged in an order not rigidly fixed but often gets juxtaposed thus making the entire process of the business extremely demanding. It is practically impossible for any one individual, however high degree of talent, to manage the entire show single-handedly. It is precisely the point where the concept of `team' comes into the focus. A `team' keeping all philosophical and academic frills out of the ambit of this discussion, can be conceptualized as a formation of human beings which gets initiated when two or more people voluntarily associate together to achieve a common objective by complimenting each others skills as well as supplementing each others shortcomings. In the process, sharing of skills and knowledge occur in synergic progression. To make this endeavor of teamwork a success, the members must maintain a non-aligned unbiased mindset tuned to the receptive mode so that anyone can learn from anybody.

In the present day, business environment of extreme high competitiveness—sustenance is mostly dependant on the optimization of resources. This includes the most critical input of human resource. Mere increase in number (of employees) is prohibitive with unlimited scope of improvement existing in the quality of manpower. It is a known fact that human brain is simply powerful. It is yet to be deciphered what goes on inside. Nothing on earth can be compared to its immense capacity. But in general, only 5% of this huge brain power is being utilized. Those people are extremely sparse who can utilize more than this percentage of their brain. Albert Einstein could utilize 25% of his brain. But super heroes are few and far between. In a given situation, when the demands and challenges of business is ever-increasing, it is always fit to club a few human brain together and take advantage of the combined effect of their brain power (than to wait indefinitely for a super brain to appear).


HRM Review Magazine, Cross-Functional Teams, Business Environment, Human Resource, HR, Organizational Structure, Organizational Strategy, Cross-Functional Teams, Decision Making, Organizational Goal, Business Development, Conventional Organizational Hierarchies.