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Global CEO Magazine:

The ultimate aim of any modern corporate is growth with profit maximization. Growth is the first and foremost characteristic of nature and its products which include modern societies with all their industrial, agricultural and service sectors and above all the research organizations to cater to the needs of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Governed by the laws of the universe and nature, societies, markets and above all human life are in the constant churn of development in the realm of creativity and innovativeness.


Nokia offers a comprehensive set of mobiles phones for different customer segments. The company is a leader in the candy bar style phones. Nokia's handsets emphasize utility and user friendliness. Nokia has recently (July 2005) expanded its portfolio of mobile connectivity solutions to include a suite of Internet protocol security (IPSec) file private network (VPN)-based products for workers who need secure remote access to their corporate networks from mobile devices and remote locations. Nokia's latest IP VPN technology offering consists of four new IP VPN gateway systems, a mobile VPN client and a comprehensive management software. In the past, Nokia could afford to wait to introduce new technologies until they were available in high volumes from suppliers. But in a fast changing business, Nokia's delays in introducing new technologies such as cameras, color series and speedier data rates may become a handicap.

Nokia has two main business lines, mobile phones (wireless voice and data devices for personal, business, and entertainment uses) and networks (wireless switching and transmission equipment used by carriers). Nokia's other products include set-top boxes, home satellite systems, wireless network software, and cell phone displays. The Nokia Ventures division invests in technology-related startups. Nokia is currently going beyond voice into enhanced communications, entertainment and gaming devices and media and imaging. Nokia has set its sights on becoming the leader in the third generation (3G) wireless network equipments. The company has teamed up with other phone makers and wireless service providers such as Motorola, Sony Ericsson and Japan's NTT DoCoMo to develop a common global standard for 3G-phone software. Until recently, Nokia has been organized into two main business groups, Nokia Mobile Phones and Nokia Networks, supported by the company's venturing arm, Nokia Ventures Organization, and the common group functions. Effective January 1, 2004, Nokia reorganized itself into four business groups: Mobile Phones; Multimedia; Networks and Enterprise Solutions. The new structure also includes three horizontal groups that support the business groups; Customer and Market Operations; Technology Platforms and Research, Venturing and Business Infrastructure. Nokia believes each business group in the new structure is positioned to meet the specific needs of diverse market segments. At the same time, the horizontal groups will increase operational efficiency and generate economies of scale.


Nokia in 2005 , Internet protocol security , file private network,technology,candy bar style phones,wireless network equipments,Technology Platforms, Research, Venturing ,Business Infrastructure,Customer Operations,Market Operations